Top 10 Product Design Skills Need to Become a Product Designer | WiZR

Top 10 Product Designer Skills and How To Improve Them

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Jul 2, 2024
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Are you a creative problem-solver with an eye for aesthetics? Do you find yourself constantly critiquing the design of everyday objects, thinking about how they could be improved? If so, a career in product design might just be your calling. With the Indian design industry experiencing a remarkable boom, there has never been a better time to consider this exciting and rewarding field. In fact, the demand for skilled professionals is soaring, presenting numerous opportunities for fresh graduates and young professionals like you.

In this article, we will explore the top 10 skills in product design that are in high demand today. We'll delve into each skill's importance and discuss ways to develop them effectively.


1. UI/UX Design

UI/UX design is a fundamental skill in product design. It involves creating user interfaces that are visually appealing, intuitive, and user-friendly. To develop this skill, you can enrol in online courses or pursue a degree in interaction design or human-computer interaction. Additionally, practice by analysing popular apps and websites to understand how they prioritise user experience. Familiarise yourself with prototyping tools like Sketch, Adobe XD, or Figma to create interactive designs.


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2. Design Thinking

Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that focuses on understanding users' needs and finding innovative solutions. Develop this skill by taking design thinking workshops or courses that offer hands-on experience in conducting user research and ideation sessions. Emphasise empathy and creativity while acquiring knowledge of different frameworks like the Double Diamond model or Stanford's process.


3. Visual Communication

Effective visual communication skills are essential for conveying ideas clearly to stakeholders and team members. Improve your visual communication skills by learning graphic design principles such as colour theory, typography, composition, and hierarchy. Practice using software programmes like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator to create impactful visuals.


4. Interaction Design

Interaction design involves designing how users interact with digital products through gestures, buttons, animations, etc. Enhance your interaction design skills by studying user behaviour patterns, information architecture, and usability principles. Stay updated with the latest trends in interactions by following industry blogs and attending webinars.

5. Prototype

Prototyping is the process of creating low-fidelity mockups or high-fidelity interactive prototypes to test ideas before implementation. Develop proficiency in prototyping tools like InVision or the Marvel App to bring your designs to life and gather feedback from users early on in the development process.


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6. Graphic Design

Graphic design skills allow you to create visually engaging assets such as icons, illustrations, logos, infographics, and marketing collateral. Build your graphic design skills by learning design software like Adobe Illustrator or Canva. Experiment with different styles and stay updated with current design trends to create impactful visuals.


7. Market Research

Market research helps product designers understand user preferences, market trends, and competitors' offerings. Familiarise yourself with various research methods such as surveys, interviews, and usability studies. Learn how to analyse data and extract valuable insights to inform your design decisions.


8. Data Analysis

Data analysis skills enable you to make informed design decisions based on user behaviour metrics and quantitative data. Develop proficiency in tools like Google Analytics or Mixpanel to track user interactions and measure the success of your designs. Understand statistical concepts like A/B testing and cohort analysis to optimise user experiences.


9. Communication and Teamwork

Strong communication and teamwork skills are essential for effective collaboration with cross-functional teams comprising developers, marketers, project managers, etc. Hone your communication skills by participating in team projects or joining design communities where you can receive feedback on your work. Practice active listening, clear articulation of ideas, and providing constructive feedback.


10. Creativity and Adaptability

Product designers need to think creatively to come up with innovative solutions that meet users' needs effectively. Cultivate creativity by exploring diverse sources of inspiration, such as art exhibitions, nature, or travel experiences. Additionally, embrace adaptability as the industry evolves rapidly; be open to learning new tools, approaches, and technologies.


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Designing Your Success in a Dynamic Career

In conclusion, developing the necessary skills in product design can open up a world of opportunities for you. With the growing demand for skilled professionals in this industry, now is the perfect time to embark on a journey towards becoming a successful product designer. Read more about the Product design courses after 12th on WiZR.

Remember, the path to becoming a successful product designer requires continuous learning and staying updated with industry trends. Connect with our experts on WiZR to discover the right upskilling or reskilling programme that will help you shape a rewarding career in product design.



1. What are some upskilling certifications in product design?

Some popular upskilling certifications in product design include those offered by NID (National Institute of Design), IDC (Industrial Design Centre), and UXDI (User Experience Design Immersive).

2. What are some reskilling certifications in product design?

For those looking to transition into product design from another field, reskilling certifications like the Interaction Design Foundation's UX Design Specialisation or Springboard's UI/UX Design Bootcamp can provide comprehensive training.

3. How can I become a product designer?

To become a product designer, you can pursue a bachelor's degree or diploma in industrial or product design. Additionally, building a strong portfolio and gaining hands-on experience through internships or freelancing projects will enhance your chances of securing employment.

4. How much do product designers earn?

Product designers' salaries vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and company size. In India, entry-level salaries range from ₹3 to ₹6 lakhs per annum, while experienced designers can earn upwards of ₹10 lakhs per annum.

5. Where do product designers work?

Product designers can find employment in various industries, such as technology, manufacturing, e-commerce, and consulting firms. They may work in-house for companies or as independent consultants.


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